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RotNN-1.1.1 has been released. There is no new functionality, only a rotnn_test_script.py which does lots of keen file and interactive rotational stuff. Have at you!
RotNN is an implementation of the old "rot-13" style of encoding text. The default ability is identical to rot-13, but you can also specify any rotational number that you choose.
In addition to that, there are 2 new functions, srotate and wrotate, that implement the same sort or rotation, only on the entire printable character set. (*NIX, at least - YMMV with other OSes.)
(Standard rot13 operates only on A-Z and a-z.)
RotNN is a python library, easily imported and ready to use. For details on it's use, see the README. There is a link on the left side to download a copy of RotNN.
RotNN is licensed under the LGPL. I normally license things under the GPL, but decided to try this one under the LGPL and see how it goes. I'll probably go back to the GPL after this one.
One final note: RotNN is also really inexpensive, processor cycle-wise. Just in case your were wondering/worrying...
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